Thursday, January 27, 2011

Become Familiar With The Books Of The Bible - Part #3

(Part #3 – The Time Line of the Bible)

 2Tim 3:14-17 (KJV)

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned [them];  And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

The Holy Bible, God’s word revealed to man, is made up of 66 books.  These books were penned by approx. 35 authors.  The Bible covers over 6000 years of history through the use of both historical accounts and prophetic writings. 

For those who are unfamiliar with the Bible, it can be a very confusing, intimidating book.  In many cases, an attempt at studying and becoming familiar with the Word can be a very frustrating experience.  In our 4-part blog series, we will be looking at some basic information about the Bible.  Hopefully, through this study we will be laying a basic foundation of Bible knowledge.  In doing so, our hope is that the Bible will become more easily understood and less intimidating. 

If there is one key to coming to a better understanding of God’s Word, it is a consistent, daily quiet time of Bible reading.  The more we read the Bible the more we become familiar with it.  With this familiarity, comes which leads to less intimidation and an easier, more complete understanding of His Word.

 Our series will consist of 4 parts:

  1. The Order and Divisions of the Bible

  2. The Author and Writers of the Bible

  3. The Time Line of the Bible

  4. The Theme of the Bible

A downloadable spreadsheet containing all the series information can be found at the following link… two versions are available BibleSurvey - Excel or BibleSurvey - PDF.   Please feel free to save it to you hard drive or print it out to use during your Bible Study times.


The Lord, within the confines of His Word, has chosen to give to us an unbroken historical record of human events spanning from the beginning to the ending of this world.  This table is illustrating which books of the Bible cover each of the major time frames of our world.

 (All Dates Are Rounded And Based Upon Martin Anstey's Chronology of The Bible)

  1. From Creation of the World to the Exodus of Israel from Egypt  (4050 BC to 1550 BC)

    1. Genesis – Creation; The Fall; The Flood; The Tower of Babel; Life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, 12 sons of Jacob (12 tribes of Israel).

    2. Job – the Life of Job

    3. Exodus 1: - Bondage of Israel in Egypt; Birth of Moses


  1. From the Exodus of Israel from Egypt to The Establishment of the Kingdom of Israel (1550 BC to 1023 BC)

    1. Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deteronomy –  Israel delivered from Egypt bondage; Wilderness wanderings of Israel; Giving of moral, ceremonial, civil law to Israel; Tabernacle; Golden Calf Worshipped; Manna from Heaven.

    2. Joshua – Israel taking the Promised Land, Jericho, Division of Land

    3. Judges – The time of the Judges ruling over Israel; Gideon, Samson

    4. Ruth – Life of Ruth

    5. 1 Samuel 1:-7: - Samuel’s early life


  1. From The Establishment of the Kingdom of Israel to The Division of the Kingdom (1023 BC to 903 BC)

    1. 1 Samuel 8:-31: - Reign of King Saul

    2. 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles – Reign of King David

    3. 1 Kings 1:-11:, 2 Chronicles 1:-9: - Reign of Solomon

    4. Psalms – Songs of Worship for Israel.  A majority of songs were written in this time frame

    5. Proverbs -  Wisdom writings.  Most of the proverbs were written in this time frame

    6. Ecclesiastes – Solomon’s lifelong search for the meaning of life

    7. Song of Solomon – The story of the love of Solomon’s life, Shulamith


  1. From The Division of the Kingdom to The Assyrian Captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) (903 BC to 640 BC)

    1. 1 Kings 12:-22:, 2 Chronicles 10:-20: - The History of the Divided Kingdoms (903 BC to 825 BC) -  1 Kings - History of South Kingdom from Rehoboam to Jehoshaphat; History of North Kingdom from Jeroboam to Ahaziah; Elijah, Elisha      2 Chronicles - History of Judah from Rehoboam to Jehoshaphat 

    2. 2 Kings 1:-18:, 2 Chronicles 21:-28: - The History of the Divided Kingdoms (825 BC to 640 BC) -  2 Kings – The History of the Southern Kingdom from Jehoram to Hezekiah; History of the North Kingdom from Jehoram to Hoshea; Elisha                  2 Chronicles – The History of the Southern Kingdom from Jehoram to Hezekiah

    1. Joel – to Judah (Jehoshaphat – Jehoash)

    2. Jonah – to Assyria

    3. Amos – to Israel (Jehoash – Jereboam II) and Judah (Jehoash – Uzziah)

    4. Hosea – to Israel (Jereboam II)

    5. Isaiah – to Judah (Uzziah – Hezekiah)

    6. Micah – to Judah (Jotham to Hezekiah)


  1. From The Assyrian Captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel to The Babylonian Captivity of Southern Kingdom of Judah (Jerusalem) (640 BC – 507 BC)

    1. 2 Kings 18:-25:, 2 Chronicles 29:-36: - The History of the Southern Kingdom from the reign of Hezekiah to Zedekiah

    2. Isaiah to Judah (Hezekiah)

    3. Micah to Judah (Hezekiah)

    4. Jeremiah to Judah (Josiah)

    5. Nahum to Assyria

    6. Zephaniah to Judah (Josiah)

    7. Ezekiel to Judah (Josiah – Zedekiah)

    8. Habakkuk to Judah ((Jehoiakim – Zedekiah)

    9. Obadiah to Edom

    10. Lamentations to Judah (after captivity)


  1. From The Babylonian Captivity of Southern Kingdom to Beginning of the “Silent Years” (507 BC – 360 BC)

    1. 2 Kings 25: - Judah’s captivity to Babylon

    2. 2 Chronicles 36: - Judah’s captivity to Babylon

    3. Ezra – Return from Babylon rebuilding of temple in Jerusalem

    4. Esther – Deliverance of Jews during Ahasuerus reign

    5. Nehemiah – Return from Babylon rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem

    6. Psalms – A minority of worship songs were written during this time frame

    7. Proverbs – A minority of proverbs were written in this time frame

    8. Daniel – the life of Daniel and prophecies to the returning remnant of Israel

    9. Haggai – Encouragement to Israelites to rebuild the temple

    10. Zechariah - Encouragement to Israelites to rebuild the temple

    11. Malachi – To the Israelites who have been resettled in the land


  1. The Silent Years (360 BC – 5 BC)

    1. Daniel 11:2-45 – Beginning of Greek Rule of Israel to Birth of Christ


  1. The Birth of Christ to The Death/Ascension of Christ (5 BC – 30 AD)

    1. Matthew, Luke – Covers the events of Christ’s life from His birth to His ascension

    2. Mark, John – Covers the public ministry to Christ from His baptism to His ascension

    3. Acts 1: – The events immediately prior to the ascension of Christ are covered


  1. The Death/Ascension of Christ to The Completion of God’s Word (30 AD – 100 AD)

    1. Acts 2:-28: - The spread of the gospel message throughout Israel and the Gentile nations

    2. James – subjects: wisdom, good works, pure religion

    3. Galatians – subjects: salvation by grace, keeping the law for a good testimony to others

    4. 1 Thessalonians – subjects: Lord’s 2nd coming need to serve Him now

    5. 2 Thessalonians – subjects: Lord’s 2nd coming need to serve Him now

    6. 1 Corinthians – subjects: correcting errors in church

    7. 2 Corinthians  – subjects: Paul’s life as servant of God

    8. Romans – subjects: Man’s need of salvation, God supplying man’s need

    9. Ephesians – subjects: Unity of local church

    10. Colossians – subjects: Christ as God, Christ as Savior

    11. Philemon – subjects: Philemon’s acceptance of Onesimus (God’s acceptance of sinner)

    12. Philippians – subjects: the gospel and our life

    13.  1 Timothy – subjects: Pastoral instructions to Timothy

    14. 2 Timothy – subjects: Paul’s ministry explained

    15. Titus – subjects: Pastoral instructions

    16. 1 Peter – subjects: Current persecution

    17. 2 Peter – subjects: Coming apostasy (falling away from the truth)

    18. Hebrews – subjects: Relation of the old covenant with the new covenant

    19. Jude – subjects: the false teachings and teachers of the day

    20. 1 John – subjects: Proofs of salvation

    21. 2 John – subjects: False teaching refuted

    22. 3 John – subjects: Role of the truth

    23. Revelation – subjects: Symbolic teachings of Christ and the world events from ascension of Christ to eternity future                                                                


In our next, and last, blog entry in this series,  we will be looking at the central theme of God’s Word.


To see this lesson taught on video please go to my Video Blog at

If you have any questions concerning this blog, or if you have a subject you would like discussed, please feel free to email me at    I will answer all emails via my blog, email, or both.

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Follow my Squidoo Instructional Lens “Presenting God’s Grace” “The Solemn Obligation To Present the Doctrines of Grace to the Lost and Saved Alike”

May the Lord bless your study of His Word.  Like God’s Word… may your soul’s salvation and your life’s faithfulness be “Settled in Heaven.”


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