Monday, May 28, 2012

SIH’s Think On These Things: Catching Many Fish

The catching of many fish is the next miracle in our series…This miracle is recorded for us in Luke 5:3-10 . 

In the background of this miracle, we see our Lord sitting teaching a great crowd as He sits upon Peter’s ship that was sitting a short distance from shore. He, probably, did this to avoid being engulfed by the overwhelming mass of people.

Following His teaching, the Lord commands Peter to move the boat to deeper waters and drop down his net to so that he can catch fish.  Peter, a fisherman by trade, cast his net over the side of the boat wanting to be obedient to His Lord.  He had been fishing all night without catching a single fish.

Much to Peter’s surprise his catch of fish was so great that he had to have help from his partners, James and John, to pull in the net filling two boats.  An astonished Peter, when he realized his weak faith, makes the statement Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.In response his gracious Lord does not find fault, but calls the three men to the ministry of evangelization of the lost.


Many times, the Lord uses our secular labors and experiences to prepare us for a ministry that He desires for us to fulfill.  In this case, the Lord used the occupation of fishing to teach Peter, James and John very important lessons to be used in their upcoming ministry.  Here are two of the lessons they learned through this experience:

  1. When we are presenting the gospel message to the lost (through our actions and words) patience and consistency are necessary.  Peter and the others had fished all night without catching a single fish.  By patiently trying again, under the Lord’s direction, they began to see results from their labors.
  2. Most importantly, when they fished using their own efforts and abilities apart from Christ’s intervention they were unsuccessful.  But when the Lord intervened in the situation and worked on their behalf… it was ONLY then that they saw results.  Because of this we must always be in prayer for God’s grace to be shown to both the those presenting the truth and those who are receiving the truth.  For without His intervention there can be no eternal gain.

Perhaps, you are currently in a situation that is preparing you for the Lord’s future use. Are you facing a difficulty that is requiring your patience?  Or perhaps, you are working with others who are mocking your stand for Christ.  Could it be the Lord is preparing you to be used in even greater ways?

By His grace, there will be greater opportunities to use this very lesson you are struggling to learn.

May the Lord bless each one of us as we “Think On These Things”.

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