We now continue our devotional series on the two-fold calling (to salvation and to service) of Isaiah. Remember in this series we will be looking to learn more about the One who is calling Isaiah, along with the nature of the calls and an examination of the submission to these calls by Isaiah…
Keep in mind, in our last devotion, we saw the Seraphim crying out “Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory”.
In our verse for this morning we see the effects of that cry…
Isa 6:4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.
When the seraphim proclaimed God’s holiness, we see two things taking place:
- “the posts of the door moved” – a doorpost, which is part of the door frame is one of the strongest parts of a building. When the doorposts of the temple move this teaches us of the power of the message that the Seraphim is proclaiming.
- “the house was filled with smoke” – In Revelation 15:8, smoke in the temple was associated with God’s great power and glory. This coincides with the content of this vision which brings glory to God in two ways:
- He is glorified for His Sovereignty (vs 1)
- The powerful message of the Seraphim reveals the glory of His holiness to all creation (vs 3).
What we are seeing in this verse is a symbolic representation of God’s people (pictured by the Seraphims) honoring and glorifying God by telling others about Him. They do this by proclaiming the powerful gospel to the world. (Rom 1:16-17, Mark 16:15)
To conclude this devotional…. Let’s please ask ourselves 5 questions…
- As we present the gospel to others, do we realize the great power that the gospel possesses?
Through the empowerment of the Spirit of God, the gospel can break the hardest of hearts and bring into Christ’s captivity the sinful desires and thoughts of lost mankind.(2 Cor 10:4-6) This gospel that we proclaim is so effective in its work, that its reception, or rejection, is the determining factor in what will be the eternal destination of the hearer. (Mark 16:15-16, Roms 1:16-17). The gospel is the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” that Peter is given to spread throughout the world resulting in the hearer being bound eternally in hell or being forever loosed in heaven (Matt 16:16-20)
- Do we understand the great responsibility and privilege that we have been given?
We are the instrument that the Lord has chosen to declare this powerful gospel to the lost.
- Do we take the gospel with confidence, knowing He will use our labors for His glory and to call men to Himself?
- Do we strive to live Holy lives for Him?
By doing so, we are “backing up our words with our actions” as we present a consistent testimony to those around us.
- And finally, do we pray before we go, asking the Lord to empower our words and lead our feet to go where He would have us to go?
Remember, without His leadership and enabling we CANNOT be effective witnesses for Him.
May the Lord bless us as we “Think On These Things”.
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