Php 4:23: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. To the Philippians written from Rome, by Epaphroditus.
Throughout Paul’s writings, one of his most common requests is for his readers to be given God’s grace. “Grace” is shown to us anytime God gives benefits to us that we do not deserve.
When we opposed God, He sent His Son to die so that we might be forgiven of our rebellion against Him. As fallen mankind, we deserved to be eternally separated from our Lord in never-ending torment. And yet, He has promised to us, an eternity in His presence. What great graces He has shown to each and every one of His people!
If we began to list all of His graces, we could never complete the list. Beyond our salvation… our physical life, our families and other loved ones, our talents and abilities, the fruits of the Spirit, our material possessions, our EVERYTHING are gifts of His grace.
As we begin our day, let us center our attention on how good our Lord is to us. And then, with thankful hearts, let’s give Him our best knowing that we owe our all to Him!
May the Lord bless each one of us as we “Think On These Things”.
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We could think on grace all day and only scratch the surface. I had to think what could have become of me had the grace of God not reached me. Even now, I live only by the grace of God.
ReplyDeleteWhat amazing grace!
What an amazing God!
That is so true... grace is a subject that is so deep we can never really grasp how gracious our Lord has been to us!