(Mat 6:13d) For thine is … the power…
The Lord is all-powerful. The Greek word for “power” is the word from which we get “dynamite”. It describes the type of power that can accomplish any given task. No matter how great the need; no matter how difficult the situation; no matter how great the temptation… our Lord can intervene and graciously give us the victory. What a wonderful Lord we serve!
Are you facing a trial that seems impossible to get through? Be patient and wait on Him. He will do what is for our good. When we are unable… He is always able!
May the Lord bless each one of us as we “Think On These Things”.
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SIH Email: settledinheaven@gmail.com
In our weakness is His strength, Thanks Be to God!
ReplyDeleteNothing is impossible with God. He is all powerful. And wonder of wonder, He gives us His power to enable us to fulfill His will. He gives us the victory, but the victory belongs to Him, for without Him we can do nothing.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing God!
Thank you for helping us settle our thoughts on Him today! God bless you!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! What would we do without an All-powerful Lord? May the Lord bless your day, granbee.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord's power is the source of great comfort during these times when it seems like so many of our circumstances we face are totally out of our control. May the Lord bless your day, Angela!
ReplyDeleteMay the Lord bless you as well, Debbie. I'm glad I ran across your blog... I especially enjoy your combined Bible verses and poetry. May the Lord bless you.
ReplyDeleteHi Rob, it's been a long time since I have visited your site as you know. But I get daily posts from your blog through email and finally caught up and read this whole series this morning. I was truly blessed by it.
ReplyDeleteI think the series is an awesome idea. You may have already thought of this, but if not, something to consider - create an e-book or small book compilation of all the posts - depending on how long the series goes, it could be one reading per day for a year. I could see it as a nice short devotional for people to carry in pocket or purse as they travel or to keep by their bedside for early morning or late day reading. Anyway, that's something that came to mind as I read.
I see you have nominated me for a couple of awards, which I don't feel I deserve, especially with my long hiatus from blogging. I'll go onto my site and read up on them further. You are very kind and generous of spirit, so thank you.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate your input on the "Think On These Things" devotions. I have been prayerfully considering making a book out of the postings, that is why I have separated them out under a separate tab on my blog. But I haven't done anything else about it. I really do like your idea of an ebook. I think I'll be looking into it as time goes on.
By the way I didn't realize you were writing a book. I am looking forward to you finishing it. I know that I really enjoyed your blog postings. As for the awards... I really felt that the blog deserved some attention to get other people to see it. It is quality work that can be a blessing to many.
Please let me know when your book is complete, I would like to put a posting about it on my blog. May the Lord bless your day.