1 Cor 15:27-28 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
Why does Christ possess authority over all? Because God the Father has given to Him that exalted position. (1 Pet 3:22, Phil 2:9-11) Why was Christ placed in that position? It is due to His obedient, self-sacrificial death on the cross (Heb 10:12) Notice, when the Bible says that Christ is placed over all, it is speaking of all the creation of God. Paul, here, makes it plain that Christ does not hold authority over God the Father.
Although Christ possesses all authority, all things are not yet “subdued” (to be obedient and submissive) under Him. Rebellion still exists in this world. Although the Christ is “Lord over all”, there are those who are not willingly in submission to His rule in their life.
There is coming a day, throughout eternity, when the Lord will not only possess authority, but His authority will be completely, perfectly submitted to by all creation. For those who are saved, this perfect submission will take place in His presence on the New Heaven and New Earth. For those who are lost, they will be in perfect submission to His will, facing eternal separation and punishment in the Lake of Fire.
One of the outstanding characteristics of those truly saved is the willful submission to the authority of Christ over us. Although our submission is not perfect, due to our sinful flesh, we still actively seek to please the Lord with our lives. The mark of one who has never received the grace of God in their life is a “no care” attitude about the Lord’s desires for their lives.
Do we care about what the Lord desires for our lives? Are we consistently seeking to do what is pleasing to Him? Our eternal destiny can be revealed to each of us by our honest answer to this questions.
May the Lord bless each one of us as we “Think On These Things”.
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May the days hasten on to His glorious coming again in all glory and power!
ReplyDeleteAMEN to that Granbee!
ReplyDeleteReblogged this on Justification by Grace and commented:
ReplyDeleteSome of my friends and blog followers have been reading Pastor Rob Barkman's Settled in Heaven blog much, much longer than I. I have only been aware of this splendid site for the past week or so. His current series of articles, "Think On These Things," are expository thoughts on 1 Corinthians. To me, they are very reminiscent of expositions from James Haldane or Robert Candlish. If you have not yet been to Brother Barkman's blog, head on over and be blessed and edified.
Thank you so much dear brother, for the reblog and the very kind comments concerning my blog. As I'm sure you know... any good that may come from the SIH blog is by God's grace alone. I simpoly thank HIm for the privilege of being used of Him. Again, thank you so much for your kindness. Lord bless you.
ReplyDeleteand another AMEN! to that! "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus"
ReplyDelete>> "Although the Christ is “Lord over all”, there are those who are not willingly in submission to His rule in their life"
ReplyDeleteI have always found it incredible that of all creation, we humans are the ONLY ones who can refuse to obey.
That will be the day!! Lord Bless
ReplyDeleteSad but true.... You would think with mankind's "intelligence" disobedience to HIm would be the last thing we would choose to do. However, in many cases, it is the first thing we choose to do!