(Mat 5:7) Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Do we show compassion to others who are indebted to us? Are we willing to forgive the debt of those who are undeserving of our forgiveness? Mercy is willing show goodness to those who have wronged us or done us harm.
The ability to authentically, and completely, forgive others is a grace given to us from our Lord.
If we possess the spiritual fruit of mercy (goodness), we can be certain the Holy Spirit is indwelling us. If the HS is indwelling us, it is proof we have been forgiven of our sins by Almighty God, and thus, are assured of receiving mercy from Him at the final judgment.
This is one mark of a person who has been blessed by God and is living a happy life in Him. Does today’s verse describe your life? Do you have lasting peace and happiness in Christ? If not, trust in Christ and follow Him. He makes us a promise “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”
May the Lord bless each one of us as we “Think On These Things”.
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Forgiving is essential to being forgiven!
ReplyDeleteThis was so encouraging, Rob. Thank you! I love the verse in Micah that says, love mercy . .. yes, I desire to love mercy too, and the One who shows us how and what it is!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you as you think on Him today!
There is no doubt about it... if we find ourselves unable to forgive others, it casts doubt our standing before the Lord. If our massive sin debt ahs been forgiven by the Lord, why can we not forgive the small debts of those indebted to us. Lord bless you Jelillie... I'm enjoying your blog!
ReplyDeleteI believe the verse you are talking about is Micah 6:8, it is a very good verse indeed. Gives us all alot to think about. Do we really love mercy? I know from experience that it is a pleasure to associate with people who, like you, truly love mercy and desire to show it to others. Lord bless you, Debbie. Thnaks agian for a great comment that gets us all thinking!
ReplyDeleteRob, before becoming a Christian I held grudges. I knew that everything that happened was my fault (I was told that so much that I believed it) but it didn't stop me from holding grudges and resentment.
ReplyDeleteWhen I became a Christian I found that all I felt for those people was pity. Only Christ could make that difference! The time came when I could show love and mercy to one of my abusers and it came naturally, without thought or hesitation . . . but ONLY because it came from Christ within me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful testimony you have! It illustrates perfectly what takes place at salvation. A person truly becomes a new creature in Christ! Lord bless you dear friend.