Monday, May 13, 2013

“A Month of Thankfulness” Devotional Series (Day 13)

The House Of God, Which Is The Church Of The Living God, The Pillar And Ground Of The Truth.

SIH’s Think On These Things: 1 Tim 3:14-15


1Tim 3:14-15 

14) These things write I unto you, hoping to come unto you shortly:

15) But if I tarry long, that you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.


One of the most underappreciated, ignored and abused of all of the gracious gifts that God has given to His people is the gift of the local assembly of believers.  The importance of the Lord’s local churches on earth cannot be overemphasized.  Here in our text, we find several different truths about the Lord’s churches on earth that help us to understand their importance and benefit for the child of God.


These things write I unto you, hoping to come unto you shortly: But if I tarry long, that you may know how you ought to behave yourself in

Paul wrote this letter to the young pastor, Timothy, as Paul was sitting in prison unable to physically visit and instruct Timothy.  This teaching involved explaining the lifestyle that should be exhibited by members of the Lord’s churches.  It would be Timothy’s responsibility, as overseer of the assembly, to instruct the members and work towards the propagation of these truths.  


Paul now describes the local assemblies of the Lord using four different descriptions.  These descriptions teach us the importance of the local assemblies for the people of God.


the house of God,

Paul begins by describing the local church as the “house of God”, or the “dwelling of God”.  This title emphasized to us that the local church is where Christians are to gather to meet with their Lord in worship, commune with Him through instruction and prayer, and enjoy fellowship with other members of the family of God. (It is much like our dwellings of today where families come together to meet, be nourished and enjoy communion one with another.)


which is the church of the living God,

Paul now gives the local church the title “of the loving God”.  In other words, this is the TRUE place of worship among many false religious assemblies, who center on the worship of a dead, false “god”.  Christ’s churches are the places where the TRUE God can be found and worshipped.


the pillar and ground of the truth.

Finally, Paul calls the Lord’s assemblies “the pillar and ground of the truth.” This emphasizes for us the role of the local assembly in upholding and supporting the Word of God. The term “pillar” reveals to us that the local assembly is to hold up the Word for all to see; while the term “ground” teaches us the local assembly is to support, preserve and defend these same truths.


As Christians, we have been so wonderfully blessed in being given a place where we can meet together as members of God’s family and enjoy communion, fellowship, with our Lord and His people. It is in the same place that we can unite together in service for the Lord, accomplishing more as a team than what we can accomplish as individuals.  Let us all thank the Lord today for the privilege of membership and attendance in His local assemblies.


May the Lord bless us as we “Think On These Things”.


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