Monday, March 26, 2012

Citizen Tom's review of Settled In Heaven Blog

I would like to express my thanks to Citizen Tom for reviewing and reblogging the SIH blog posting "Kidron: The Death Valley In The Bible".

I very much appreciate that Citizen Tom understands my intent for the SIH blog ... it is "not trying to find something new in the Bible. He is just trying to explain what is already known"   That is my desire for the blog to simply help each one of us to better understand the teachings of God's Word.

Again, I want to thank Citizen Tom for the very kind review.  To see it in it's entirety just click on the link...

Also, let me just say that over the past several weeks since I have found Citizen Tom's blog I have enjoyed it greatly.  In his blog you will find postings about the founding of our great country, the intent of it's founders, the role of religion in it's founding.  But Citizen Tom doesn't stop there.   He includes posts about the current affairs of our nation,  and many of the dangers we now face as a once "nation under God".

I would heartily recommend Citizen Tom's blog for a better understanding of the history and current condition of our great nation.  Thank you Citizen Tom for the effort you put forth to help us remember what our nation is truly all about.

May the Lord bless each one of us who are concerned about the welfare of our nation and desire to see it returned back to a nation in alignment with the intent of it's founders.


  1. From Settled In Heaven Blog (posted 3/26/2012)....

    I would like to express my thanks to Citizen Tom for reviewing and reblogging the SIH blog posting “Kidron: The Death Valley In The Bible”.

    I very much appreciate that Citizen Tom understands my intent for the SIH blog … it is ”not trying to find something new in the Bible. He is just trying to explain what is already known” That is my desire for the blog to simply help each one of us to better understand the teachings of God’s Word.

    Again, I want to thank Citizen Tom for the very kind review. To see it in it’s entirety just click on the link…

    Also, let me just say that over the past several weeks since I have found Citizen Tom’s blog I have enjoyed it greatly. In his blog you will find postings about the founding of our great country, the intent of it’s founders, the role of religion in it’s founding. But Citizen Tom doesn’t stop there. He includes posts about the current affairs of our nation, and many of the dangers we now face as a once “nation under God”.

    I would heartily recommend Citizen Tom’s blog for a better understanding of the history and current condition of our great nation. Thank you Citizen Tom for the effort you put forth to help us remember what our nation is truly all about.

    May the Lord bless each one of us who are concerned about the welfare of our nation and desire to see it returned back to a nation in alignment with the intent of it’s founders.

  2. You are very welcome... I'm sure you will enjoy it. Lord bless.

  3. I too constantly pray, especially during this current election cycle, of a rising of souls in our country to make come to life the intentions of our Founding Fathers. I do not view it as a "return", for I think we have yet to ever truly experience "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice FOR ALL! This is my constant prayer, Pastor Rob. Thank you so much for introducing us to Citizen Tom.

  4. Granbee,

    you are very welcome. Lord bless you.

  5. Congratulations on the great review! I so appreciate what you do here, Rob, and am thankful others do too! God bless you as you keep bringing us His Word!

  6. WOW! Thank you very much for the kind remarks.

    Until you try it, it is hard to appreciate the effort that can go into a blog. Given what I have seen of your work (and what I know from my own blogging), I can see you are putting many hours of joyful work into your own. Thus, it was my privilege and pleasure to review one of your posts.

  7. Citizen Tom,

    Again, thank you so much for the review, and your time spent blogging for our country's sake. I wish there were more blogs like yours to help people understand the founding and condition of our nation. May the Lord continue to bless you.

  8. Thank you Debbie for your kind words. You have become one of a handful of my most faithful commentors. I really appreciate it. I'm glad the postings are a blessing to you. As I say... it all goes back to the Lord. Without Him the blog couldn't be written and I would be in horrible shape. It is only His grace that allows me to read, understand and share His Word with others. Come to think of it, it is only because of Him that I can do anything "without me ye can do nothing". Lord bless you Debbie. Thanks again for your wonderful blog it is a blessing to me as well.
